01/23/2009 In this article we will look into one more scriptural pattern in regards to the prophetic. 2)Prophesy in scripture revealed God (His…
John Edward
01:20:2009 (The perspective offered here is not a complete picture what God intends to do. It also must be viewed…
Jan 17th 2009 2) Does the prophetic word violate scriptural patterns? (When…
Jan 8th -2009 Whenever a prophetic word is uttered, apart from the witness of the Spirit we can exercise discernment…
Jan 8th 2009 Sometime back there had been to a lot of prophecies of wealth transfer and on financial gain….
Psalms 34:19,20 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but Jehovah delivers him out of them all.He keeps all his bones;…
(Dream as narrated by an individual ) I was walking with my daughter and I looked at the sky. I…
Jan 2nd 2009 This will become the prayer of many in the US the coming season. How long O Lord…
Can we live free from sin or can we walk perfect without sinning? The answer is yes.This might be…
Dec 27th 2008 In this article we will look into an important marker that will help us to judge prophecy. …