Righteousness is one of the basic Christian truths. It is important that we have a proper foundation in this truth…
John Edward
The word given on October 9, 2008 As I was deep in prayer, God showed me the darkness that has…
(Word given May 20,2008) “Because you have authorized what I haven’t, you will also partake of the cup of suffering…
Several years back, the term ‘false minister or prophet’ was used in circles other than charismatic to describe some of…
Today the words “I am sorry” or “I made a mistake” is rare to hear. This is not because we…
4) Prophetic ministry in revealing Christ We saw earlier that the main essence or role of the prophetic ministry is…
3) The prophetic ministry in confronting sin When the prophetic movement was taking roots almost everything was centered…
In the last two articles, we saw several areas where we need to progress or change is needed. We…
Nov 29th 2008 In the earlier article, we saw what edification, exhortation and comfort actually means. Not only that,…
Nov 29th 2008 A few decades back when the prophetic movement started it mainly had an Old Testament version…