“My grace is sufficient for thee” -2 Corinthians 12:9 Tried to pray through the morning hours but to no avail….
John Edward
He gives strength to the weary- Isaiah 40:29 The past days were some of the toughest. I had been…
There remains a sabbath! -Hebrews 4:9 It was the day of the journey back home. Functioning in the prophetic gift…
We are one body in Christ – Romans 12:5 Meetings again today; the whole day! Eager to see how things…
All things work together for good! – Romans 8:28 The meetings went on well. God’s presence and freedom was abundant!…
“As the deer panteth for the waters…” It has been a long day! From a thanksgiving meeting for all Shiloh…
Aaron, your brother is coming to meet you- Exodus 4:14 God’s presence was felt in a tangible way as we…
Moses knew his ways Psalms 103:7 Peace be still – Mark 4:39 The day began with a quiet time with…
“He makes a way where there is no way !” – Isaiah 43:16 God’s supernatural favor and intervention are normal…
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength- Isaiah 30:15 It was supposed to be a relaxing day as we…