10/02/2009 During the healing movement in the 60’s and 70’s God gave great grace and authority to His ministers. There…
John Edward
09/26/2009 Today sanctification by faith is a truth that is almost but lost in the church. The extremes that…
“Blessed is the soul that has learnt that it’s from and through and only by His grace, for it shall never stumble”.
In the journey of life many times we start small. In such places it’s easy to depend on God and put our trust in Him. However in the height of power and success, when everything is going well do we still recognize our miserable state apart from Him? Do we still put our trust and depend on Him for everything? It’s so easy to be led astray during such times and exalt oneself rather than the One who had led thus far.
We must cultivate the habit of walking and clothing ourselves in humility everyday to prevent that. One of the ways is remembering who we are and were apart from Christ. Paul towards the end of his journey of life had probably accomplished more than any of the other apostles. He was the father of many churches. He had written many epistles and was honored and respected by almost everyone. However, he did not let that get to him. In his epistle to Timothy (which was written in prison towards the end of his journey) he calls himself as the worst of all sinners. Paul knew who he was apart from the grace of God.
09/15/2009 In discussing some of the errors, we must always keep in mind the much good that has come…
The soul searched for peace and rest in the dark. Troubling thoughts and painful memories; longing for the daylight and peace of mind. The night seemed to reflect the state of a soul that had lost hope. In the midst of the poignancy, memories of the past flashed through; broken relationships, trying circumstances and the dreaded thought of turning away from the one that truly loved. Things would never be the same, enough had been said and done and now it was all over.
Just some days back, everything had been fine. Jesus had ridden the donkey with even the children hailing him as king. He had healed the sick in the temple. He had talked about the coming kingdom. The expectancy was high and every aspiration to rule and reign with Him seemed to be coming true for Peter. Then all of a sudden, Christ was betrayed, crucified and killed. Peter had deserted Him with the rest. Judas was now dead and Peter was in the worst state of his life, having cursed and sworn to have never known the Master.
09/02/2009 In the last article we saw the importance of a person’s walk with the Lord. It’s vital that a person…
08/28/2009 Today one of our greatest achievements lies in bringing out the truth that everyone can prophesy. On the other…
08/23/2009 The coming times will require proper discernment, with it will arise a need for separation. The divide within the…
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit”.
The eternal success of our endeavors lies in the life of Christ flowing from us to people. To walk in this life is an absolute necessity but a pathway not too easy.
One must first learn to die to his own self in order to discover this newness of life. For to proceed any other way is futile and does not bear fruit to eternity.
Elements of Modern Christendom sadly lack this life of (in) Christ, adapting a way of living apart from the life of God, thereby deceiving oneself.
Aug 12th 2009 (Read Romans 8:1 to 14 prior to reading the article and also many of the passages in…