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Basics on judging prophecy – Part 2

Dec 18th 2008
In the last edition we saw that our approach towards prophecy plays a vital role in us being able to discern accurately. In this we will focus on another important but rarely taught on subject, which is the condition of our heart. This greatly influences the way we judge prophesy.
If our hearts are right before God, then we will be also able to discern and apply God’s word in our lives accurately. If we are living in willful sin or in disobedience and rebellion or our hearts are not in a place of surrender, then we may not be able to discern or apply God’s word in our lives accurately. We see this pattern common in the lives of the kings in the Old Testament and Israel as a nation as they rejected God’s word (prophetic words). This spiritual truth applies to our times also.
Today, because of the way the gospel is presented [ not everywhere], Jesus isn’t perceived as requiring total and absolute Lordship over our lives. This has given place to professing Christians living in willful sin, rebellion and having idols in their hearts. These in turn have tried to access God’s blessings and power, which has released within the church a mixture of spirits. If we try to access God’s power from any place else other than a place of surrender, it can lead us to being deceived and deceiving others in the end. This scenario has greatly contributed to the lack of discernment between true and false [ in this context prophecies].
1) Willful sin and rebellion
In I Kings 22 we see a very intriguing story. Ahab, king of Israel is about to go to battle against Syria. Jehoshaphat, king of Judah is there to help him. All the prophets including Zedekiah urge them to go to war saying that the Lord (Jehovah) would deliver the Syrians into their hands. However, Micah the prophet prophesies contrary to all of them by predicting not only defeat but also the subsequent death of Ahab. Eventually his word comes to pass.
There are so many spiritual principles we can derive from this passage. One of them is, if we are in willful sin and rebellion or unequally yoked (ex-Jehoshaphat) to those in sin and rebellion we cannot perceive or obey the word of the Lord. Ahab heard the word of Lord but still went to battle.
Now Ahab’s case might have been an extreme one as he was a man given to sin and had lived in constant disobedience; however, the same spiritual principle applies to us if we continue in sin or in disobedience ignoring God’s promptings.
Today, there are prophecies of blessings [ in context of the thought] given within the church to those who are in sin and rebellion against God. These fall under the category of prophecies given by Zedekiah and the rest of the prophets. Brethren, since when did God start to bless sin or people living in sin? The rightful word in such circumstances would be urging people to leave their sin and repent of their wicked ways. I’m afraid that the worldly concept of what love is (which is lacking in correction) has found its way within the church. Now, there may be cases when a prophecy of blessing leads a person to repentance if he is living in sin. The important point to be understood here is that the spirit of prophecy always is the Spirit of Holiness!
In concluding this thought if we have areas of willful sin in our lives or we haven’t obeyed God’s word over our lives; let us repent and turn from our errors.
When we do, we will begin to see more clearly and understand God’s word. In time we will be able to discern with precision and willingly obey the word.
2) Idols in our hearts?
Ezekiel 14:4,5 – Therefore speak to them, and say to them, So says the Lord Jehovah: Every man of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to the prophet; I Jehovah will answer him in it by the host of his idols; so that I may capture the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are estranged from Me by their idols, all of them.
When we have idols in our hearts (areas unyielded to God) it will be difficult for us to discern God’s voice (more specifically in that area). If God has convicted us of those areas and we continue to hold onto those idols there comes a point these verses in Ezekiel will come true in our lives.
Ministry, relationships, money, self or popularity can all become idols in our lives. When this is the case, we will not be able to discern God’s voice rightly in those areas (eventually). While there is a process to complete surrender our heart should always be willing to honor God above all else regardless of the cost.
The disciples loved to be prominent and expected Christ to set up an earthly kingdom in that regard. Prominence was an idol in their lives, esp. in Peter’s life. That is one of the reasons why they were not able to comprehend or understand the many prophecies given by Jesus about His death and so they weren’t prepared for the hour of His trial.
In our times it seems the glamour of ministry and money have become idols to some in the church. There were many words on a wealth transfer to the church in the early 2000’s. Amidst these, there were a few voices warning of the coming financial crisis and how it would affect the church, but it seemed to fall into deaf ears. Many were caught totally unawares (or didn’t discern) as the crisis hit. Why didn’t the church discern? Is it because of its love for money and fame in a wrong way? Had those become idols and hindered people from hearing the right words? In one sense we can say an aspect of these verses in Ezekiel had come to pass.
Brethren let us return back to the place of surrender in our lives and then we will clearly discern what the Spirit is saying today to the church.
3) Offense a breeding ground for deception.
Mat 24:10,11 – And then many will be offended, and will betray one another, and will hate one another. And many false prophets will rise and deceive many.
If we are offended and we hold on to those offenses instead of forgiving and receiving healing; we give room for the enemy to sow in his seeds in the place, we are offended. If we don’t deal with those seeds (thoughts) he sows they eventually grow and produce fruit in our lives contrary to the fruit of the Spirit.
Offense by itself when it has reached a particular stage will prevent us from hearing and listening to truth. In this case hinder us from discerning true from false prophetic words.
If we follow the above-mentioned verses, we can say that false prophets deceive people who are offended, or false prophecies find their place in people who are offended. If we want to stay away from the false and embrace the true, then we need to forgive and live a life learning to walk in God’s Love.

Brethren let us guard our heart with all diligence!



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