3) A main aspect of prophetic predictions is to prepare the people for the times ahead.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned; if the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity. But I will require his blood at the watchman’s hand.
Ezekiel 13:9,10 And My hand shall be against the prophets who see vanity and who divine a lie. They shall not be in the council of My people, nor shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, nor shall they enter into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the Lord Jehovah.
Because even because they made My people go astray, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and he builds a wall, and lo,others daubed it with lime.
Matthew 24: And Jesus answered and said to them, take heed that no man deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, I am Christ, and will deceive many…
Acts 11:28,29 – And one of them named Agabus stood up and signified by the Spirit that there should be great famine over the world (which also happened in the days of Claudius Caesar). And the disciples, as any were prospered, determined each of them to send for ministry to those brothers, who lived in Judea.
(Even though the above verses signify a more general application, this applies on a personal level also. For example, Paul was forewarned of his trials in Jerusalem. Jesus predicted Peter’s death).
We see this pattern from the Old through the New Testament. Many a time when a prophecy about the future was delivered it was with the intent that the hearers prepare themselves in accordance with a particular event.
Many of these examples we see in scripture were so that the people were adequately prepared to handle hardship and difficulty. When this aspect of the prophetic is lacking and trials come our away it leaves us confused and struggling.
Our lack in this area is simply because the aspect of truth that in this world we must face trials and tribulations is far from popular in church [not all] circles. In looking at the way Jesus related to those who wanted to follow Him. He was loving and kind but at the same time didn’t lower the standards or the cost of being a disciple in which suffering for Him was an integral part.
Brethren, if the current events don’t wake us up to the realities of a world under judgment and if we don’t see that these sorrows will increase, how then will we be prepared? Have we read Revelations and all those things that will come upon the earth?
Another important reason why there is a lack in this area is because the church [ some and now many] did a U-turn in regard to its understanding of the end time events on the tribulation. Not that the intent or its direction was wrong but that it went to the other extreme with it.
As a result, one section believes in immense suffering and persecution in the end times with the church barely making it or being whisked away before any trouble, while the other extreme look towards glorious times ahead with the church overcoming everything before Christ returns.
This has resulted in a lot of seemingly prophetic words from both sides which need to be judged. On the positive(later) side because of its extreme nature it has left people unprepared for the difficulties and trials. We need to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit very clearly in this regard. For if we do not then we would face greater disappointments and confusions in the times ahead.
Also, this can be applied in the context of being prepared to handle blessings also. We see through scripture that some forgot the Lord when they became blessed and prosperous. If we had followed church history, we would note that the early church greatly compromised when it found acceptance from the State (It was doing extremely well before that amidst trial and immense suffering).This later resulted in the apostasy that followed.
So sometimes when God reveals to the church a (future) blessing it will inherit, it is with the intent that we are prepared to handle it properly when it comes just as it is the same in the case of suffering.
So, in light of these truths here are some thoughts and important questions to ponder on in regard to this aspect of prophecy.
1)When there is a prophetic word forewarning us of the coming trials, if we are walking with the Lord, it will strengthen us and convince us to prepare for the times ahead. Now such a word from the Lord can be given out of a critical and judgmental spirit however if we are mature, we can still discern it as from the Lord.
2)We can differentiate by our spiritual responses when the word is delivered. Did the prophetic (when it is negative) word edify your inner man? Did it produce confusion and fear? Even though the words might be negative, if it is from the Lord, it will not produce confusion and fear in a people walking right before Him. Even, if our natural responses may be negative at times, we can discern it as from the Lord by it edifying our inner man.
3) If it is a prophetic word of blessing, was it in response to you walking right before God? Does it appeal to your fleshly desires or produce in you a heart of gratitude?
These are important questions to ask in judging prophetic words.
Brethren, let us rise above everything that holds us back and let us rediscover the Biblical pathways of prophecy and it will lead us to Christ and Him glorified in us and through us!! Amen.