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4) – The gift of faith – 1 Corinthians 12:9

Elshaddai, the Almighty God, created the heavens and earth by His great power. He called things into existence that were not existent (Romans 4:17). He did that on the basis of His faith. It is by this faith that Jesus walked on water, turned water to wine and raised Lazarus from the dead…

The gift of faith is the supernatural faith of God imparted to an individual to fulfill the task that God has assigned to him. It usually comes into play when the individual’s faith is insufficient.

We need to understand that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, but then we grow in that faith as we listen to the word of God (Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God) and also when we pray in the Spirit (Jude 20). Now we all may have different levels of faith according to our walk with the Lord, however when our faith becomes insufficient is when the gift of faith comes into operation. It is God’s faith.

It is by this faith that Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still; Elijah brought fire from heaven.

The gift of faith usually operates along with the gift of miracles because miracles require a greater degree of faith than healings, as they are occurrences that are contrary to natural order.


5) Gifts of Healings – 1 Corinthians 12:9

We live in a fallen world and one of the results of that is death reigning over mankind and diseases that are rampant as a result of death reigning. It is God’s will to not just forgive us of our sins but to heal us of all our diseases (Psalms 103:3).

In the ministry of Jesus, we see several times that He healed everyone.

The gifts of healing (plural) are God’s life and virtue imparted in an individual to fulfill Jesus’ command to heal the sick (Matthew 10:8), thereby signifying that death has been defeated and will be ultimately conquered one day.

A person might have a single gift of healing or multiple gifts of healings.

Jesus operated in all the gifts of healing, so did Peter and Paul.

As we looked into an earlier truth, the gifts of healing operate along with the word of knowledge many times. The word of knowledge produces faith in people to receive the healing or the operation of the healing gift.

If we know we have a healing gift, it is important that we step out believing in God to heal people. There is a world out there, even believers who are desperate due to sickness and ailments, and this is a powerful way of reaching them for or strengthening them in Christ by displaying God’s love.


6) Miraculous powers or working of miracles- 1 Corinthians 12:10

Throughout scripture we see our God demonstrating His power over nature. He is the God who created natural laws as He created the universe and time and again, He has proven that He can circumvent them or work contrary to them.

Through His mighty power, He split the red sea; brought fire from heaven; turned water into wine; calmed the storm; raised the dead…

Miracles are God’s divine interventions that display His Lordship over creation.

Miraculous powers are given to individuals to demonstrate the Lordship of Elshaddai overall, thereby glorifying Christ.

As mentioned earlier, this gift almost always functions with the gift of faith due to the extraordinary nature of situations that demand a greater amount of faith than usual.



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