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Grace and Truth- Continued

Once we have come to understand that all of us have been justified and stand only by His Grace and Grace alone, when someone falls or fails the spiritual response to it should be to see that person redeemed. If redemption isn’t the basis for our judging, then we are way of the mark. In the Old Testament as hard as many of the prophecies where to sinful Israel, they were mostly redemptive in nature; if so, then how much more redemptive should we be to those who error under Grace.
When Hymenaeus and Alexander had shipwrecked their faith, Paul handed them over to Satan. As harsh it might seem, the purpose was to see them redeemed by allowing the flesh to be destroyed so that the spirit may be saved on the Lord’s Day.
Today, what is seen mostly and very sadly is a lot of stone throwing and accusations out of anger.  There is no essence of redemption, only condemnation and accusation.
There are a few situations where the Spirit pronounced eternal judgement on certain individuals during their lives on this earth. Those were in a very few instances only. Do we know heart of the Spirit to pronounce eternal judgment on people? His heart weeps and intercedes for the saints and for all those who don’t know Him and are in error. Do we carry His heart?  If we are quick to quote Jesus rebuking the Pharisees, we must remember that He also died for them. Do we intercede for those whom we judge? Is our love towards them sacrificial in anyway?
Now as to what ‘TRUTH’ is, it is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  If i can put it this way, it is seeing through His eyes, feeling with His heart and acting with His grace and wisdom in each situation.
Truth is looking to understand the person who committed the mistake or crime and then judging from that place of understanding. Truth is almost and always looking to help to restore than condemn and destroy because it cannot be separated from Grace in the New Testament.
Truth is judging based on how much of truth was revealed to a person when he was committing a sin and judging based on his knowledge of the truth.
Truth is separating weakness from willful stubbornness and arrogance. Truth is putting ourselves in that person’s place and then judging from there (all that we pronounce on others can suddenly get blurred usually if so ????). Do we not know that same measure we judge others we would be judged with??
Truth is holding leaders to a higher standard but on the other hand applying that truth with understanding. Jesus said, ” if anyone of you deny me before men, i will deny you before my Father in heaven”. Most of us would have disqualified Peter after hearing Jesus saying this and would have held him to that same judgement thru out his life. However, Jesus reinstated Him after a few days. Would you believe it? He was given authority to lead the church in the early days and was given the privilege to preach the very first sermon.
If we say, it was Peter’s moment of weakness that led to that and so grace was given. Yes, and maybe in hindsight but then who are we to know the thoughts and intents of each man to come to a sure conclusion in each situation? Truth is separating the willful from the struggling and addressing each in accordance?
‘Truth is seeing with HIS eyes of fire and experiencing His holy indignation towards sin and those ‘one with sin’. Truth proceeds out of being jealous for Christ and His Bride.
Truth is differentiating wolves from sheep and making an example of them. Truth is addressing and bringing to light sinful lifestyles and patterns that are damaging to the body with the intent of healing and restoration and redemption. Truth is exposing darkness as led by the Spirit.
Truth is protecting His body with the zeal of the Lord. Truth is expressing anger and indignation over evil and actions of pride. Truth is loving righteousness and hating evil.
Truth is bringing swift and quick discipline to remove sin and its reproach and not being hesitant at the loss one may experience but having only one intent in mind; that is to redeem the person at all costs.
Finally, Truth is allowing God’s Spirit to search you and know you to establish you in the likeness of His Son. For if God has not searched you in a particular area, your judgement on someone who falls in that area is bound to be wrong! Only when our heart is cleansed can we see clearly with our eyes or rather His eyes and only when our heart and intents have been made clean can we feel like He feels in each situation!


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