When talking about sanctification, one important thing we must have in mind is that we have been made totally Righteous and Pure before God by the blood of Jesus. This is in regards to our position before God! On the other hand Righteousness can be likened unto a gift that is deposited in our spirit but needs to permeate our soul and bodies as we yield to God or it is like an external clothing that we need to allow or yield to, to penetrate our inward parts [Romans 6: 17, 18 and 13].
Another example; Let’s say in our early years we had to be always good to earn a reward from our parents and teachers and on the contrary even the slightest mistake earned us severe punishment! Even after knowing Christ we wont have a proper understanding of God’s great love, always striving to earn His favor and are easily condemned by the slightest of mistakes. Therefore when we see weaknesses (sin) in people, we judge them harshly through/because of our mindset [ thought accumulations and feelings] that God will punish them.
When we do it for His glory and purposes to fulfill His will, refraining from ministering for our purposes and agenda, we are setting our spirits apart unto Him. If we fail to do that there will come a time where we would need cleansing by Christ’s blood from the wounds and weeds of the enemy in our spirits. The born again spirit can be defiled!! [ Proverbs says that the spirit can be wounded, ungodly unions also defile the spirit].