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Insights into current the prophetic movement -2

In the last article we saw that during a move of the Spirit it is vitally important to focus on the truths God wants us to be established in.

Looking at the same truth from a different perspective; as long as we are fulfilling His purposes the anointing stays; grace flows freely. When we get sidetracked from His purposes, the anointing may stay for a period but if we continue in that pathway for long enough, the anointing will start to lift, and the flow of grace will be hindered; eventually completely. 

Could this be the reason why we don’t have the power we have been seeking for as we are not aligned to His heart or His purposes?  or why we have a form of the ‘move of the Spirit’ but no substance that translates into everyday life? This is one of the main reasons why movements and powerful visitations of the Spirits ended as they got sidetracked from the purposes of God.

Now in regard to the prophetic ministry, we need to ask these same questions. Was it fulfilling the purposes God intended it to fulfill? Did it prioritize the truths that God wanted the church to be established in for that season and time?

In order to know that we need to understand a few things.  Firstly, the move of the Spirit during that time was intended to restore the prophetic ministry in the body leading into the apostolic era. However, since we didn’t fulfill all that God intended for us to do during the prophetic wave it left many in the church unprepared for the next season. It also led to a premature group of people trying to catch and ride the apostolic wave.

Just as the healing ministry and the teaching ministry were restored to the church in the 50’s -70’s God’s intent was to restore the ministry of the prophet to the church and equip the believers to be prophetic. This was the basic premise behind the movement of the Spirit and, as said earlier, to lay the foundations for the apostolic renewal.

In regard to the prophetic movement, it was successful in bringing an awareness of the prophetic ministry to the church. It also brought out the truth that the prophetic realms can be accessed by every believer. There were some powerful and needed revelations that were brought out by Rick Joyner and others that were much needed for the church’s course correction in the early days.

There were others like David Wilkerson and Leonard Ravenhill who had been long calling the church to repentance who weren’t part of the movement. However, the prophetic movement that came after or towards the end of their times, started to become louder and more influential than them, till the majority in the charismatic movement embraced it. Now the torches held by those prophets didn’t entirely die with them. It would be carried on by elders in the body like Dr. Michael Brown and a few others.

Now, as good as the beginning of the prophetic movement might have been and the many good fruits that may have come out of it over the years; any honest analysis of the current state of the prophetic movement today will show us that we have fallen way short of the place God intended for us to be at. 

Here are a few questions that need to be answered in that light.

How much are we fulfilling our role in guiding the church through turbulent waters, beings its eyes and ears? How much have we made the church’s foundations stronger, calling it to a higher standard of living than that of the world? How much of a revelation of God are we bringing to the body according to the seasons, rallying people towards Him and edifying them accordingly? 

Now, there may be a few instances where we have done that but then several of these important aspects of the prophetic ministry are greatly lacking today. Dearly beloved, the prophetic ministry is so much more than just giving encouraging words to people or the church as a whole. 

While we should be in a season of ‘after having embraced the apostolic wave and getting ready for the completion of the church’ with all signs and wonders; we have been dealing with one mess after another and confusion and great hurt in the body. How much more light do we need from the Lord to show us that we have veered of track and need a drastic course correction?

Now all of the events may not be directly connected to the prophetic movement but none are more significant than “the big prophetic misses” and “the recent scandals”. It clearly shows us that we have deviated from the pathway God had for the complete restoration of the prophetic ministry.

So where and how did we miss the mark? 

Before we get into those details; there is something else important that needs to be brought to the light.


While there is no denying that the prophetic ministry blessed many over the years and God used its leaders to bless many; one can also not deny the events surrounding a certain ministers coronation’; ‘the failed wealth transfer prophecies’; ‘lack of almost zero foresight on the world wide pandemic’ and ‘the failed trump prophecies’…

We should have been able to easily discern or predict correctly in these situations. With all due respect and honor to every leader who is part of the movement; these glaring errors don’t abode very well. These are not small one-time mistakes that are difficult to discern, but these have been major errors by not one but many prominent leaders over a period of time.

What I am about to say next might offend people and for that am sorry, but it is the truth and it needs to be told. Having said that, this does not relate to everyone, nor does it mean we are doing poorly in every area!

If a student consistently fails in 2nd grade math; how can he pass 10th grade math or for that matter math in college or university?? The areas of failure here are on basic 101 on prophecy and if the teachers themselves fail consistently on that, then where will the students stand??

Now, again this analysis is not to demean or ridicule anyone but, in all humility, try to show the seriousness of the errors as they are. Also, to bring in a realization the essential need for radical change; a major course correction and on how important it is to check the roots and investigate the foundations!

It is never going to be easy do that and to make the necessary changes as it would mean we would face losses as a result but considering eternity the introspection with the Spirit’s help is worth every bit.

1 CORINTHIANS 3:13 – OUR work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each OF OUR work.

As we are approaching the end times, we are going to be meeting the king of kings and Lord of Lords! How prepared and battle ready are we for that time ? 



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