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Nicobar –Day 1


“How many loaves do you have? “Jesus asked. Mark 8:5

The meetings in Lonavala had been powerful and was riding on a high. As I boarded the flight to Andamans it was on the backdrop of knowing that our ministry there was growing like never before!

The missionaries in Port Blair warmly welcomed me. In the evening I set out to Dad’s resting place in Wimberlykunj. As we boarded the ship suddenly I began to see lots and lots of people around me who did not know Jesus and then the thousands in Andaman yet to know Him. Soon the thought led to a overwhelming sense of how much more there was still left to do and our limitations as of now.

It seemed like God was putting things into perspective our work in Andamans and I felt totally incapable and overwhelmed in the flesh.

Lesson learnt- Don’t park on your successes! Have the bigger picture in mind in relation to your work. Keep moving forward.

“O God there are so many to feed and we have only five loaves and two fishes. Multiply our insignificance to the place people as many as You have called feed on You the bread of life and drink from Your living waters!


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