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We are His temple, being fitted in as living stones with Christ as the chief cornerstone for God to inhabit and dwell in. As we approach the fulness of times, we will experience the habitation of God over villages, cities and people groups before His coming.

In John 17:21-23 – we see one of the most important prayers ever that Jesus prayed.

“that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me, and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me”

“I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me”.

A perfect union with God and with one another that causes the world to take note.  We must seek to experience; this blessed union with God; a union already established in Christ for then we will be in perfect harmony with His body. It is in this place is the release of the Spirit in unprecedent power.

We need to grow in our awareness of God as the world is headed in the opposite direction and His indwelling in us and ours in Him till the place where we are lost in Him and He finds His expression through every one of our thoughts, words and actions is the place of divine bliss that is fore ordained for every son and daughter in this world. It is not just for the world to come.

As we experience our perfect union with God through Christ; we are in perfect union with those who are experiencing Him alongside of us. It is the place Christ want’s His beloved bride to see and experience.  A foretaste of the eternal union with Christ and coming into perfect harmony with all His creation. A place where His Spriit finds His expression in very unique ways not known before to permeate and create.

Jesus’ prayer was answered in Acts 2 and there was a release of the Spirit like never before. Over the years men and women have gotten close to experiencing that blessed union with God and communion of the saints and have thereby experienced great workings of His power but none so great as the one that has been foreordained for His end time bride!!

Dear saint, how much are you growing in the awareness of God by the passing day? His blessed union with you and in you? Is He finding His expression through you? Are you growing in union with His body?

We must emphasize and lead people into experiencing this blessed place of union with GOD in Christ. A communion of the saints with Christ at the head of the table. It is here His Spirit starts to hover, linger and flow out as rivers to the needy outside.

Unity at the heart level amongst God’s children is what we must make every effort for. Each time we fulfill the prayer of Christ; we reflect God’s eternal plan for us; to be One with Him in the end. Each time we make an effort towards it, we are making efforts towards His eternal purposes, fulfilling a piece of the great puzzle (however small it may be but utterly significant); the great mystery as Paul calls it in Ephesians 5.

That we are separated and divided shows that we have lost our consciousness of our union with Him and in Him. For how one can be in union with Christ and not His body? Let the prophets, prophesy over the dry bones… but how can they if they are not in a place of union with God and His Spirit like Ezekiel was?

As the fires of God seek to purify His bride with the intent of removing everything that hinders us from that place of close intimacy and from experiencing that blessed union; a remnant will arise. It remains to be seen though, if the remnant arise from within the institutionalized church or from without it.

Oh, but they will arise as the ‘sons of God’ in blessed union with God and in blessed union with each other from around the world. An unleashing of the Spirit leading up to Jerusalem and Israel being saved. Pentecost from the ends of the earth leading up to Jerusalem!

They walk with God, like Enoch did and God opens to them the dimensions of heaven accessed before and ones that will be accessed anew as we step into eternity.

Not only are they in union with God and in harmony with His body. They are in harmony with all that have gone on before them. Finally, we get a glimpse of God’s great army functioning in perfect union and we understand how we have functioned as One with one purpose over the centuries. The past, the present and the future all coming together in one great moment of glory!

God’s presence starts to inhabit places as His visible shekinah is manifest. The darkness is also so great, and it hates the light and fears drawing near to it. Woe to those who have been caught in its clutches and refuse to come to the light in those times; for how great would their judgement be? For they saw the light like no other generation did before them and have refused to turn from their evil ways!

He is coming for a bride that is spotless and pure. She longs for Him and expects His return.



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