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Preparing for the greatest outpouring -4

He is coming for a bride that is spotless and pure. She longs for Him and expects His return

It’s not hard to understand or predict the workings of God if we have known His ways!

Before every divine visitation precedes a divine longing in God’s people all of which is birthed and led by the Spirit. He pours waters; His Spirit on the thirsty. It is the dry and desert land that is a perfect place for an outpouring of the Spirit; for His rivers to flow forth from.

Even so, the greatest outpouring of the Spirit will be preceded by a time of great yearning and longing, a cry that rises to the heavens from His body, His Bride. A travail that is mixed with a longing to see God move in power and a desperation that has its roots in seeing the state of the church and the world.

It is a cry that rises from deep within, a longing greater than any. A longing that is coupled with the deepest desire ever to see the bride groom. As time passes by it develops into an earnest expectation and eventually faith which brings Him from the heavens. We may not know the hour or the day, but we will certainly know the season and as Thessalonians says it will not be a surprise for us!

Enoch’s permanent translation to the heavens was preceded by his many prior experiences of the same. Elijah’s translation was preceded by his teleportations from one place to another.

In the early church, Philip an ordinary man experienced it. Even so, several will experience these divine moments in the times of great glory that is yet to be revealed.

If Christ is coming to translate a body to Himself; will that body have not known some measure of that power prior or at least had some glimpses of it? Surely yes, as if not, it goes against God’s laws and workings.

If His great power translates us; it can be only if His body is in that place of being translated!

Two things that are very important for us as we move forward into that place of being translated.

How much do we behold Him in our everyday walk and life. Are we transformed by that beholding? He is the source of all life. As I behold Him, I’m transformed into His image from glory to glory. The church desperately needs those who bring in a revelation of God’s nature this hour. Those who have beheld Him and they stand before Him and the people and say, “Behold the Lord your God”!

The series of revelations of Christ leading up to Him as the King of kings and Lord of Lords; and the revelation of the resurrected Lord in power is what will penetrate our spirits and emanate from there transforming our mortal bodies into immortal ones ( 1 John 3:2). It is a place where His light penetrates the living and the dead realms as the dead in Christ are raised up along with us.

Secondly, to what degree am I yielded to Him. Am I yielded to the point, He possesses my spirit, soul and body every day, all day and I am driven by Him? Enoch was yielded and so He could be translated. So were Elijah, Ezekiel, Philip and others… God cannot and will not translate an unyielded vessel.

He is coming for a bride that has yielded itself to Him even to the point of death. It is that bride that has the resurrection life of God flowing in her and through her to the nations. It is this bride that meets the resurrected savior and her Lord in midair.

It is she that breathes life to the nations and they live for the glory of God!

“O Lord tear every veil that prevents us from beholding You as You are! May we see You as You wish to reveal Yourself this season and then on from glory to glory. May we experience death so that we can live and be led by your Spirit as your power permeates through every single part of our being so that multitudes can be touched by You for your glory! Amen”


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