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Preparing for the times ahead – 3

In the last article of this series we looked into the origins of the false prophet. In this article we will look into some details on the coming of the antichrist.
One of the important things to understand in regards to this is that the devil is not going to show up with two horns and a tail. Neither is he going to come proclaiming that he is the antichrist. He will be blatant and open in his abominations after a while but not until he has deceived many through enticing approaches, speeches and ways. His ways are subtle and he rides on deception. He will have the ability to reach out to everybody (temporarily) but it would be at the expense of truth and promoting lawlessness.
The other thing to note is that the church will be on this earth when the antichrist appears contrary to what many believe. In II Thessalonians 2:1 to 3, Paul clearly states that the rapture will happen only after the appearing of the son of perdition.
The recent unfolding of events tells us that his coming might not be that far away. However we need to know that the spirit of antichrist has been at work for a long time now (I John 4:3). Today, it has gained its ground in the church through subtle deception. Where there is a lack of God’s love (Agape) there is darkness. In the world it works in more open ways.
Everything will soon reach its culmination and the spirit of antichrist will be ultimately revealed in and through the son of perdition.

His coming will be similar to some of the recent events that transpired in the United States. While the events might bear some similarity, it does not necessarily mean the son of perdition will come from the United States. On the other hand the current spiritual and natural position of USA suggests that he is likely to appear from here.

USA has been in the forefront of things for many years now; spiritually, economically, politically and in many other fronts. In the spiritual front it has brought a treasure of good spiritual wealth to the nations of the world. At the same time it has also polluted and corrupted the nations with its perversions and immorality and a deceptive gospel.

In the political front it has held a major say in world events until now. It has played a primary role in the events in the Middle East. It has been an ardent supporter of Israel trying to bring peace and stability to that region. In the economic front it had controlled many a nation with its wealth. This however seems to be changing in recent times with the economic crisis.

In short, if anyone is to influence the world, USA serves as the perfect platform. Therefore the logical conclusion is that the antichrist must appear from here.
However, if this nation is to collapse or if another nation (or united nations) replaces it as the leader then he will most likely use that nation as its platform.
During the recent Presidential election in the States, almost all the nations were eagerly awaiting the electing of Obama. He was actually termed as ‘ The President of the world’. There was a  supernatural force behind his electing, in the way he quickly rose to power. Many around the world eagerly looked on him for redemption. If it were not enough that Christians were praying for him to be elected, witch doctors in Africa were offering sacrifices and Hindu priests in Mumbai, India were praying with poojas.
The coming of the antichrist would be very similar except that his popularity would be much greater. He would be welcomed by the nations of the world as bringing solutions to the woes that had come upon them. The tension in the Middle East with Israel, Iran and Pakistan, the global economic crisis are just the start of the birth pangs. Some of these events including a few more are going to take the world into the brink of great calamity and turmoil like never before. As a matter of fact many would be on the verge of desperation at this point setting a perfect stage for the coming of the lawless one.
The openness in embracing all faiths, the lawlessness that is taking root through the legal system  are flashing indicators that will get brighter and louder by the day that danger is on its way.
Also the deception in the church in looking to redemption from the government and its unhealthy inclination in politics are but precursors to the pathway some would take in welcoming the son of darkness. The false prophet from among the deceived would be the one who trumpets his coming. There will be a merger between the deceived church and the state.
Many of the things that happened in the recent elections and the events thereafter are but a shadow of things to come. We will do well if we learn from these events and equip ourselves accordingly.
In preparing for the times ahead, firstly we need to understand that the situations in this world are going to get worse. Turmoil, tribulation and trials will increase. We need to be established in the Lord and in His strength alone or else we would be found wanting in the coming days.
Secondly the church needs to rid herself of the unhealthy focus on the government and in politics. If not we are in for huge disappointments and a cloudy vision in the days ahead. The interpretations of the kingdom of God as reigning in the political arenas NOW and in the natural realm have served to cause more harm than good. It has led many to lose focus on the basics of the gospel, one of which is walking in God’s love to bring about true lasting change. It’s like straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.
This also seems to fail to foresee the fundamental truth that many (probably all) nations will be under the rule of the antichrist before the government of our Lord Jesus Christ can be established on this earth.
There is a time and a season for everything as the Spirit through Christ told the disciples when they wanted God’s kingdom in the physical realm to reign 2000 years back. If we fail to interpret the times with God’s calendar and His mind, we are just beating the air. Dearly beloved, we need to focus on where God wants us to focus.
Thirdly whether we like it or not the antichrist will prevail over the church for a season. This is not an opinion but scripture (Daniel 7:25, Revelations 13:7). The manner in which that would happen remains to be seen but just looking at the way things are now, one can conclude the spirit is already prevailing.
From a negative pre tribulation mindset we have gone into a positive post tribulation mindset, that everything will be glorious, deception.
We will face trials, there will be losses but we will overcome ultimately. Does that mean we shrink back and let the enemy have is way. Certainly not! We strive for excellence within the realms and boundaries God has set for us walking in the fear of the Lord.  Deep darkness shall cover the earth and then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.

Finally, we need to learn to walk and pray according to the will of God. Our “witchcraft” prayers have served more to hinder and delay the purposes of God than help it.
We need to take time to seek the will of God first; regarding calamities, governments and other important events. Then, we need to pray according to it. Just because something seems right in the natural does not mean it is the will of God.
If God chose to bring redemption through one of the most brutal acts in history when his Son was crucified, then it is important that we learn His ways.

Calamities must happen before the coming of our Lord. It is the fulfillment of prophecy and they cannot be prayed against or changed as the word of God has already been established in the heavens (statement should be understood in context). As the sins of men is reaching its fullness the vials of God’s judgments must be poured on the earth.

Our desires for peace and a godly government should not stand against the will of the Lord for the hour either. Just because “Scriptures says so” does not mean it applies to every situation every time. Simple thought- Is it right to pray for the son of perdition when he is in power? The answer is a resounding NO.
On a general note, scriptures used without the inspiration of the   Spirit have served as major hindrances for the Lord and His purposes in our times. Dearly Beloved, let us learn to be mature in how we see and act.
O Lord, speed up your judgments; let your mercy reign. Even so come Lord Jesus!


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