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Prophetic insights for 2025

The season of exposure continues as many more things are brought to the light! Again, do not be quick to judge but discerning in your hearing. Let love abound in your discernment and hate that which is false.

Revelation 22:11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.”

I saw many more wounded within and without as the war of words continued with the demonic spirits being released through people talking out of hurts and words filled with poison defiling all those who receive it. Anything that is not borne out of intercession and the love of God will lead to great divide and confusion this hour.

I also saw that those who had judged unrighteously this season; grace was taken away from them and they were entangled in the same things or accused the same way, they had accused others of!

It’s also a time to separate oneself from every ministry or minister that does not show forth genuine fruit of repentance when exposed. He that has wisdom let him discern for the wheat and the tares are maturing. Lying and deceiving spirits start to control those that have refused the disciplines of the Lord and everyone that is associated with them will be influenced by them.  It was the Lord’s wisdom not to uproot them earlier to protect the wheat from being damaged but now there will be damage if we don’t separate!

Amidst all of this there is a remnant that has been prepared and are waiting on the Lord. The wind of the Spirit blows on them as they arise in all humility and gentleness in the power of the Spirit. Thye blow the trumpet and the army of the Lord readies itself.

The Lord of peace reigns over His saints!

A year of relative calm as efforts are made to bring peace around the world; especially between Israel and the arab nations (going into next year). Who is he that can bring peace without God?  A false sense of peace and agreements as the spirit of the antichrist is at work behind the scenes.

While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. ( I Thessalonians 5:3).






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