In recent times there have been many exposures in the body of Christ. Now, not every exposure or the way it is has been exposed maybe from the Lord but nevertheless He is the one behind the cleansing of His body, His bride.
Firstly, I clearly felt a strong impression from the Lord that this is His great mercy to help many avoid Matthew 7:21 to 23. Therefore, with every exposure regardless of how critical or judgmental they may be, if there is even some truth to them; let us pray for genuine repentance to come forth.
This is a season to allow the Lord to search our motives and everything that is hidden; cry out like the Psalmist; cleanse thou me from my hidden faults O Lord! For if we do not allow Him to know us, He will say, ‘I do not know’ you on that day.
Let everything burn down, if that is what true repentance costs. This is still the season of grace and mercy. For how much more eternal consequence awaits those who hide and cover up this season.
These exposures are also as a result of us not judging ourselves and the elders in the body not doing their job properly. If we are criticizing those on the outside for exposing us, it is because we have failed on the inside. We don’t want to end up like the church in early days when God brought a revolution through Martin Luther and the others. They were considered as those on the outside or portrayed as such at one point. They weren’t perfect, their ways of exposure weren’t perfect but the church that day rejected the light that they brought and eventually ended up in apostasy. If common people are speaking out; is it because we haven’t spoken out first? If we require from them as to what grounds that they are judging us based on, is it because we gave them the grounds to do so?
Here the word of the Lord ” There is a revolution that is brewing in His body; and it is from common men and women who are zealous for the truth and His word”.
This is also a season where the Lord brings the thoughts and even intents of men and women to the light. In the season of exposure, it is imperative we walk in the fear of the Lord. Not every exposure is the same; not every situation needs to be judged the same or even judged. God is allowing certain things that through these, His entire body and everyone who involves themselves in this will stand judged. Today people so freely talk about how people’s repentance should be and question on how genuine it should be. “Do you not know that you will be judged by the same measure you are meting out to others? Do you not know that by your words you will be condemned or acquitted”?
There is a general lack of the Fear of the Lord in His body. It is evident by the way sins are covered up and justified and also by the way sins are brought to the light!!
The same exposure that can lead to light and freedom can bring condemnation and curse all around.
Now, God is merciful to those who have been abused and have suffered. He is merciful to those who have been genuinely misled and are disillusioned when they judge unrighteously or bring things out as they are not supposed to. He reaches out to them in love and unending grace but that does not absolve them of needing to repent of their wrong attitudes and words at some point. It does not absolve them of holding on to bitterness and anger and hatred and doing things from that place when enough light and grace has been given to them to come out of it. God gives them enough opportunities to change out of His great love and change they must. While the exposing itself may not be wrong, God still has His righteous ways of doing it and sometimes exposing is also not the right option! Christ on the cross suffering all abuse is whom we look up to receive healing, releasing forgiveness and grace.
Then, there are others that have taken it upon themselves to judge others at this hour. It is so important to speak for the Lord than convey our opinions. It is so important to convey His heart than our emotions and feelings. It is so important to speak the right words! It is so important to have Him search our hearts and motives . For the same zeal of the Lord that exposes sin is the same zeal of the Lord that stands against those who judge His servants unrighteously and we don’t want to end up on either of these sides 🙂.
Finally, brethren we are His body. We are one. Let us always remember that. When one member stands exposed, we all are. let us be willing to partake of their shame and reproach to stand with them if needed to see them through. If we have partaken in their rewards and successes, shouldn’t we also in their failures? This culture of ostracizing people and distancing ourselves from them when we see that they are wrong , is it from the Lord ? There are the tares but then generally when one member of the body suffers, we all suffer. When one member fails, we all fail! When a leader is judged the movement stands judged. Let us in all humility cover each other in intercession and prophecy. For this is what brings the dry bones together.