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Rajasthan – DAY 3, Dec 11th 2013

Those who are led by the Spirit…. Romans 8:14

By wisdom a house is built… Proverbs 24:3

Day 3 starting and the needs of the missionaries overwhelming!

From helping construct homes, getting them bikes and building churches… AND already a struggle for paying them salary the last two months? Surely, the ONE who makes roadways in the deserts can meet those needs? He can, but why the delay? Teach me wisdom, O Lord and grant me understanding! Show me the ways of your provision to walk in and open the windows of heaven! Must have truth to receive the finances from God! Must have wisdom to handle the finances that God gives! Help me to teach truth and wisdom so that we may receive and channel your blessings, O God!

Through the day I realized that with wisdom and understanding comes discernment, but then when discernment comes, you need God’s heart and His love. Upset about certain things about the way they were and angry! Praying for God’s love and his heart for the situations!

God moved powerfully during the night meetings. I had to stop the sermon as a few started to cry and minister as the Spirit led. Never got to finish the sermon! What good is the word without the Spirit; a word half complete, but a word enough and sufficient for those present.

It is not in how much you preach or how you preach, but in how you yield. Lord help me look past the routine and traditional ways and look into what the father does and simply follow!


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