“He that clothes the lilies will take care of you” – Matthew 6:28
Journey back to Colombo today and the flight back home. We prayed together in the night with missionary Daniel and our heart was filled with gratitude!
We had taken a journey into the unknown and God had ordered our steps; opened doors for us and made ways for us when there seemed to be none. He that opened doors will make sure He paves the highway for us in this country.
The journey back to Colombo was long and we were still travelling with only 4 hours left to catch the flight back home! Our final destination was the Colombo bus stop and then from there we had plans to go to the airport as we were unfamiliar with other places.
As the bus stopped at a certain place, I heard “airport” and immediately got down at the next stop. Little did we realize (as we heard after) that if we had not gotten down then, we would probably not have made it in time for the flight from Colombo, as the journey from the Colombo bus stop to the airport was a long time.
It showed the Father’s great concern for us as he had given me the courage to get down in an unknown place. We had to be totally dependent on God in a country little or unknown to us and our Father hadn’t disappointed, leading us to the right people, making a way for us and granting us strength to take tough decisions!
A little glimpse into how it must have been during the time of the apostles as the Father led them every step.
As I reached home and made my way outside the airport, I heard the sound “daddy” and my younger daughter ran towards me amongst the crowd forgetting where she was and jumped on me and hugged me. It was a precious moment as my elder daughter came running behind her.
It’s moments like these that you want to experience as a Father, at the same time, it’s what makes the parting difficult next time.
I have to do my heavenly Father’s work trusting He will take care of my own! For He is their father also, and each separation brings us only closer as a family as we do God’s will…
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