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Counsel for the times

Todd Bentley’s restoration process in the recent weeks has caused more of a stir in the body of Christ than the Lakeland Revival itself. In a time as such there are certain issues that have risen as a result that  need to be adressed.
1) Do not get offended or if offended continue in offense.
Offense of any kind when left unhealed and open can become a breeding ground for deception. When we are offended with someone and aren’t healed in that area, as time progresses we develop an appetite to receive negative input about the person that offended us whether it is true or not. Then there comes a point were we begin to see those inputs as true even though they might be false and act on them.
In Matthew 24:10,11 we see that many will be offended in the last days and false prophets will arise and deceive many. The verses can be interpreted as false prophets deceive those who are offended.
So if we are offended during this time, let us ask the Lord to heal us that we may walk in His forgiveness and love. Only then we will see clearly.
2) Do not continue in anger.
Eph 4:26, 27 - Be angry, and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down upon your wrath,
neither give place to the devil.
There has been a lot of anger released during this time from both sides. While being angry in itself might not be wrong at times, it becomes wrong when we fail to deal with our anger beseeching the Lord’s help but continue in it. Verse 27 of Ephesians is sobering as it says that this (not letting go of the anger) gives place to the devil. Many have given place to the devil as a result of acting (continuing to act) in anger.
There is however a place where one represents the Lord’s heart to the people. The Lord is angry with the way sin has been allowed to be rampant in the body and He is displeased with the current situation. He will establish His name as Holy before the church and this will be at the loss of some with no radical repentance coming forth.
3) Dealing with a spirit of control.
It seems that people who take a stand for truth and justice are on a shakier ground than those who proclaim mercy and grace. Nothing can be as far from the truth as that. God honors those who care about His name and are zealous for Him. Jehu didn’t follow the Lord as God intended but yet he was rewarded for his zeal for Him in confronting Jezebel and the household of Ahab.
Just as people say that God is gracious to the merciful, He is gracious to those who are zealous for His name. Elihu accused Job just like the rest of his three friends however he was zealous for the Lord’s name and therefore he didn’t face the Lord’s wrath like the other three. This is not to justify mistakes but to address a rising fallacy that somehow those who proclaim mercy are on better grounds than those who desire to see God’s standards in the church.Every truth should be understood and applied in its context.
As a matter of fact scriptures (arguably) sternly warn against those who encourage and promote lawlessness than those who are legalistic. Also lawlessness is the issue we have to be concerned with in the last days and not legalism according to scripture (Matthew 24:12).
If Saul of Tarsus was forgiven for his blasphemies against the most anointed church (leaders) ever (yet) because of his ignorance, surely the Lord is gracious if we error in our zeal for Him.
Let no one manipulate you from standing for the truth!! Only make sure that it arises from the fear of the Lord and a clear conscience.


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