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Varanasi Trip – April 14th

“He is the God of all grace”! – 2 Corinthians 9:8

Woke up around 2:30 am with a bad stomach @ had frequent visits to the toilet ; By morning was having dysentery. Felt very weak as taking tablets did not help. Further did not eat in the morning except for some biscuits and curd and as I looked forward to the 2 hours leaders seminar in the morning it seemed difficult and I felt could’ faint any time ..

As we went there and I started to minster, the session extended well beyond the 2 hour mark to nearly 3 ½ hours. I felt great throughout the sessions as God had provided the grace but then the question as to why not ‘grace’ after or before? What about personal grace, as had been weak continuously in the trip?

If I pursued God as much as I did for others or if I believed God for myself as much as others, things might have been different. God supplies grace for all times not only for times during ministry!

In the late afternoon we made our trip to the Ganges. As we took a boat ride we prayed over the waters applying the blood of Jesus asking God for cleansing!

People are devoid of understanding everywhere!  It saddened my heart as we watched  burning corpses, and people taking  dips at their holy river! God who enlightens us all must enlighten them also but will someone pay the price to reach these souls?

The darkness is indeed great! Will someone give himself in such a way that he burns brightly for these people?  My understanding.. God loves the people of the Ganges!




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